Edit 3/15/2020: CODCon is cancelled due to the COVID-19 stuff. Hopefully CODCon will resume next year. Stay safe folks!

My first convention of the year will be at CODCon on April 3rd through 5th at the College of DuPage.

College of Dupage Convention 25 Promotion

I’ll be experimenting with new prints and the debut of the colored version of Incident at the Game Store! I have no clue if I’ll even be prepared enough!

If you want to know about my future con appearances and events, check out my Convention Schedule for all the details!

Edit 3/15/2020: CODCon is cancelled due to the COVID-19 stuff. Hopefully CODCon will resume next year. Stay safe folks!

Project Blackmask Update 2/24/2019

I’m still writing Blackmask slowly and steadily when I have time, but I’ve been tackling some new freelance artwork and commission stuff. I’m still trying to fund printing for Incident at The Game Store in color but some car problems have come up, so money’s lacking.