Drawing, Streaming, Re-Arranging Furniture

It’s incredible that it’s already summer and halfway thorough the year! I’m keeping my nose to the grindstone, working on Blackmask, and popping up at small conventions to keep my art out there.

Let me give you a scoop on what I’ve been doing for the past few months and what the future brings for the next few months!

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2024 Summer Conventions

Over the past few months I’ve been keeping myself busy with special art tasks. Convention appearances have been light, but I still go out to them show off my artwork. Let me give you a scoop on what I’ve been doing for the past few months and what the future brings for the next few months!

Comicopolis 2024

Later into the summer on July 20th, I’m returning to Lockport, IL for Comicopolis!

This show is one of my top shows as I enjoy the community and commodore among the other artists and fans! It’s also fun to walk around Lockport to see the historical sites!

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Four New Social Media Accounts I post to as an Artist.

In wake of dumb bullshit happening on multiple social media sites, I again hear of newer ones that claim to be better and artist friendly. Promoting on social media doesn’t make a difference my sales online or offline at cons and art shows. Most of this hoop jumpin to social media accounts remind me that I’m being desperate. If I’m a nobody on my current pages, what makes me think I wouldn’t be a nobody on a new page?

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Art Stream Clips for your Amusement

My Wednesday Night Art Streams on Twitch are morphing into weekly “podcasts”. Every week at 7pm, I draw and yammer about how my life’s been going for anyone interested. It’s chill block of working time where I get art done and share music I find on Bandcamp.

If you miss out on my Wednesday Art streams, you can follow my stream archive YouTube channel to watch or listen as you work. The full streams edited so the breaks and audio problems are reduced too.

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Conventions of Winter

Over the past few months, I’ve been doing a small amount of conventions since it’s only the beginning of the year. It’s been rougher than I wanted because I’ve been more unorganized compared to my previous years.

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2024 Spring Convention Appearances

The winter convention roll went well, with February packed with plenty of shows! Some shows are tapering off due to rejections from larger ones I’ve applied to.

But, I do my best with what I have, and I’m meeting up with fans who’ve seen me around the block enough times to know my name! Spring Conventions are rolling out, so here’s the shows and events I’ll be tabling at for the coming months!!

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Mastafran February Weekly Sketchbook Week 1

This week’s sketchbook has stuff I drew at conventions I went to over the past few weeks. I’ll talk more about the convention times later.

Here’s sketches in a new sketchbook. These toon proportions are rubbish but I am looking back at drawng humans again. I tilt to a realistic style when I draw humans so I wanted to take my approach my animal designs to human characters.

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January Pixel Art

In the effort to push myself to make more pixel art, I tried out a weekly pixel art challenge to motivate myself with a deadline.

jPBravart 1-bit Pixel Art

The first one I finished was a quick Draw This in Your Own Style Challenge for Jpbravart on Twitter. I was keen on the design and I wanted to be more selfless with my art output. It’s a better way to draw fan art without dealing with the disappointment by general nerd media.

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