The winter convention roll went well, with February packed with plenty of shows! Some shows are tapering off due to rejections from larger ones I’ve applied to.
But, I do my best with what I have, and I’m meeting up with fans who’ve seen me around the block enough times to know my name! Spring Conventions are rolling out, so here’s the shows and events I’ll be tabling at for the coming months!!
To start off the 2024 new year, here’s the list of all the conventions and art events that I will appear at! Many of these shows are subject to change and cancellation, so follow me on my social media links for live mentions or check my Convention Schedule page!
Starting the convention train off at PopFest Chicago on January 28th this Sunday! Along with my stickers and prints, I’m selling off the last of my print comics to make room for new upcoming books! Come by Countryside,IL this weekend!
It’s been a long year, I’d say! 2023 had plenty of ups and downs, but overall, I’m alright with this year.
Besides all my art stuff, going to conventions, and I losing my iPad, I’ve been living a simple enough life. Back in August to went on a trip to Arizona to met up with my friends and visit SabotenCon. The previous time I went to Arizona, we did more hiking and exploring the state. Most of my 2023 trip was wandering the convention, but I’d love to comeback again and visit the Grand Canyon or Las Vegas.
As of wring this, I’m doing laundry and not feeling that my day is any special. I still waste my time wondering what I did wrong in the year and hoping that I can fix what’s wrong with me in the future. For now, I’ll look back on what I’ve been doing for the past month and the past year.
In a surprising twist of events, I shall be tabling at Pocket Con 2023 on December 9th at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago! As another treat, I’ll also be performing a live Draw in Demand panel at 11 am, where the audience can make art requests!
This caught me on the backfoot after WindyCon but I’m still ready to take on my first convention in the proper city of Chicago with all the parking issues it entails! I’ll see you there with my comics, stickers and playmats as usual!
Life is going swell as I’ve been dabbling on art projects while attending shows and events over the autumn season. I’ve been fluctuating with my moods for most of the time and reworking my priorities list. Some days, I lose focus on my big needs of my art career. Seasonal depression might be the culprit, but I’m hanging in there and not losing focus in the unimportant stuff.
I’m still on the grind with conventions as I announce the places I’m going to throughout the autumn season!
WaukeCon 2023
First, a big reminder that I’ll be up north at WaukeCon in Waukegan,Il once again! For my second year in the convention and my third time doing a show after my surprise visit to ArtWauk, Waukegan is a nice town with passionate artists doing their best. It a cozy show of local artist showing their love of the Sci-Fi works of Ray Bradbury!
My workload keeps slipping as I’m flopping between making new art, promoting old art, learning about art, and making posts about art. With the time crunch, I can’t let it bring me down.
Summer wasn’t as eventful as I’d wanted but I was working on a large illustration to fill the time. I’ll elaborate on this at a later date, but for now here’s a fast time lapse of the process.
Between that and my dayjob, I tabled at a decent amount of conventions and shows during he last weeks of July!
As prolific as I am with this conventions, most of my knowledge is from the school of hard knocks. If you want a break-down of the arduous task of tabling at these conventions, take some time to listen to Alice the Author as she goes through her hour-to-hour break down of selling books at CODCon!
Most of this stuff I learned in the School of hard knocks myself, so Alice’s vid has fantastic insights on selling work at conventions.
A current new thing I’m doing with my setups for smaller conventions is to take a smaller amount of inventory with me. I don’t go more than a dozen of each of my large stickers, and I don’t bring every print or book I have with me on my trips. Library shows are a smaller one day showing, so even if I sell out, It’s not a big problem.
This system has also been a good way to not just manage my sale but analyze the rate my items sell. If demand is low for an item, I stop printing more and keep my table setups lean.
As I go around Artist Alley’s at conventions and hear about them, I write them down in a Spreadsheet on Google Docs. The majority of this list consist of events in my home state of Illinois. It’s not perfect, but it’s a start for any other artists seeking to do more conventions.
I have a full year packed with cool conventions and events! Take a look through my Convention Schedule to see where I’ll be next!