2024:A Year In Review

It’s February of 2025 and it’s high time I talk about my accomplishments and disappointments of 2024! Because I certainly didn’t dally writing this post over last December and January to cut out the negativity weighing down this post. No siree!

As usual, I drew plenty of art, tackled new projects and went to lots of art shows. Yet, I know I can do more of this coming year!

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Drawing, Streaming, Re-Arranging Furniture

It’s incredible that it’s already summer and halfway thorough the year! I’m keeping my nose to the grindstone, working on Blackmask, and popping up at small conventions to keep my art out there.

Let me give you a scoop on what I’ve been doing for the past few months and what the future brings for the next few months!

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Art Stream Clips for your Amusement

My Wednesday Night Art Streams on Twitch are morphing into weekly “podcasts”. Every week at 7pm, I draw and yammer about how my life’s been going for anyone interested. It’s chill block of working time where I get art done and share music I find on Bandcamp.

If you miss out on my Wednesday Art streams, you can follow my stream archive YouTube channel to watch or listen as you work. The full streams edited so the breaks and audio problems are reduced too.

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2023: A Year In Review

It’s been a long year, I’d say! 2023 had plenty of ups and downs, but overall, I’m alright with this year.

Besides all my art stuff, going to conventions, and I losing my iPad, I’ve been living a simple enough life. Back in August to went on a trip to Arizona to met up with my friends and visit SabotenCon. The previous time I went to Arizona, we did more hiking and exploring the state. Most of my 2023 trip was wandering the convention, but I’d love to comeback again and visit the Grand Canyon or Las Vegas.

As of wring this, I’m doing laundry and not feeling that my day is any special. I still waste my time wondering what I did wrong in the year and hoping that I can fix what’s wrong with me in the future. For now, I’ll look back on what I’ve been doing for the past month and the past year.

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