Running to the New Year

It’s almost the new year and I look back on 2021 with thoughts. It started out with promise, but I think it went downhill closer to the end. I can’t help but say I felt directionless and the stuff I’ve been doing wasn’t as amazing as I’d like for it to be.

Art-wise, there was more of a quality over quantity deal. Most of it focused on larger colored illustration art. This is the year of me experimenting with color palettes to get bolder with colors.

My streaming fell down a cliff and I apologize for this. I have trouble working up the head energy to entertain while drawing, and if streaming is even for me. I don’t like dealing with extraneous tasks like editing and fumbling with my words.

In the beginning, I had a goal of pushing my environment artwork harder! My backgrounds weren’t as well refined as my character designs. I had a decent run at the beginning, but the fact that I didn’t know ways to make environments in a fast way discouraged me.

Doctor's office Sketch

Blackmask needed more art than just characters. Despite making some sloppier comics with vague suggestions of a setting. It continues to expose how much I avoided drawing environments. Personally, that is a failure as a professional artist.

Most of the art I needed to finish for others is complete! Furs of Fury release and with my art out there on shirts and Steam! If I had some 3D knowledge, I could help out with some character designs!

Furs of Fury Game Illustration

My 2-year illustration project for Flawless Extraordinary Super Heroes Book 3 finished. It should be released sometime in the future, so I’ll let you know another time. Afterward, I took a decent amount of commissions to fill out my time and to see if I can even output stuff for people.

All this stuff leaves me time to focus on Blackmask for real! Full-blown sitting in front of Unity and getting more efficient with Aseprite.

Blackmask Enemies Work In Progress

It’s been too long since I made significant pixel art, and I want to change that in the future. Currently, I’m learning new workflows to improve my process with pixel art.

This year, most of the art I’ve made has been drawn in pocket 3.5×5.5 sketchbooks of various types and paperweights. Thanks to my SketchWallet, I’m able to keep them organized in one spot for my pocket, and for that I thank them.

Some sketchbooks take media better than others, and through this, I have preferences for certain brands over others. A majority of the sketchbooks I used are Moleskine Cahier Plain Sketchbooks.

They’re 81 lb paper that feels similar to printer paper. It’s nice and portable for a life of being out at work, not able to stay at my drawing table or tablet. These pocket sketchbooks are great for not only sketching, but also writing notes! I know I’ll have a great 2022 because I have my SketchWallet!

I have conventions coming up down the line, so I have got to prep for the coming year. My notable one is Anime Central where I was supposed to table in 2020 but got pushed up to 2022! I’m shooting for other conventions like Northwest Indiana Comic-Con. Stop by my Convention Schedule to keep up with where you can meet me! This year is a less exciting year, but I want to be optimistic and press forward to the future! There are tons of stuff that I want to get finished, so it’s time to work hard at it!