Setting up the Summer

As of writing this, I have a show at The Gallery Seven on July 23 during Comicopolis 2022! There you can find my traditional ink comic pages framed in Lockport, Illinois. I never thought I’d be able to do this, but I’m glad it’s happening, and I hope you’ll stop by and see my original pages!

Gallery Seven Shirley'd Day All Steps Frame Prep

Learning KdenLive

I took the time to edit the video above in KdenLive. Likewise, I’m getting away from Adobe software. I’m tired of dealing with such a heavyweight software for what I do, so I downloaded Kdenlive to give it a try!

It was rocky at first, but after giving it more time and watching a tutorial to show me the ropes, I learned about some ease of life features that are already improving my video editing experience. The fact that this app accepts MKV files is a massive time saver! No more Remuxing VODs and I keep a higher quality video! I still need After Effects for certain video stuff, though, but now it’s encouraged me to seek more alternative software to fill my real needs.

Website Stuff

I’ve been finishing up many articles a while ago, such as my 30-day review of the iPad Pro and Procreate and a process article on about one of my Copic Commissions. There are still more articles to write. Right now, I’m back to writing my Coloring Tutorial for Incident at the Game Store. I keep putting it off, and I want to finish the entire series this year. You can get an early bird reading of my on my Ko-Fi Page.

It’s Part 7 of my series on creating Incident at the Game Store from start to finish! Once I’m done with this series, I’m taking a long break from tutorial writing for a while. I have previous posts I’ve written about all the steps to making a comic before coloring it all! So if you need help starting, This series is great to explain what it takes to go from start to finish!

Pixel Art

These days I’m experimenting more with pixel art, getting comfortable with larger sprites and more colors! With the Pixaki app on my iPad, I’m able to practice my pixel art often! The lack of pen pressure settings in Pixaki slows me down. But having a mobile way to create pixel art is speeding up my pixel art output!

Pixaki App UI

One thing that I’m loving with this app is that I can put a reference layer of my higher res art to ink on top with pixels! The ref image’s scale is separate from my pixel art. Now I can be more accurate to my original artwork with less editing.

I begin this Jungle Cat character animation in Pixaki, cleaned up the animation in Aesprite, and she turned out sweet!

Jungle Cat Pixel Animation

This was inspired by some sketchbook art I drew.

Experimenting with 1-bit pixel art with this Luchadora.

I’ve been doing sprites based on existing art I make in my sketchbook. It’s a nice way to do something more than the misc sketches I make.


I’m staying busy and doing plenty! I can maintain this momentum for the coming month! See you next time!