2024:A Year In Review

It’s February of 2025 and it’s high time I talk about my accomplishments and disappointments of 2024! Because I certainly didn’t dally writing this post over last December and January to cut out the negativity weighing down this post. No siree!

As usual, I drew plenty of art, tackled new projects and went to lots of art shows. Yet, I know I can do more of this coming year!

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A Review of Tiny Sketchbooks

If you’re interested in drawing more, but don’t know where to start, I recommend keeping a small sketchbook close to you! When I’m at my day job and away from my drawing desk, having a small sketchbook helps me jot down ideas I get.

Mini Sketchbook Pile B

A while ago, I dropped a short blog post about ways you can get in drawing practice. In it, I discus sketchbooks that I’ve used before, so I’m elaborating more on cool sketchbooks to draw in.

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2024 Summer Conventions Write-Up

Art continues to be a hustle, but it’s the few hustles I like to take on. In the last months of summer, long after Blerd Bash and the like, I finished up many conventions. Many of these events are newer shows that I hadn’t attended before so I continue my tradition of finding fantastic spots to display and sell my work!

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Anime Nostalgia Show and Waukecon This Week

This week will be a full week with art events all over the Northern Illinois Area where I’ll be displaying my art!

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Drawing, Streaming, Re-Arranging Furniture

It’s incredible that it’s already summer and halfway thorough the year! I’m keeping my nose to the grindstone, working on Blackmask, and popping up at small conventions to keep my art out there.

Let me give you a scoop on what I’ve been doing for the past few months and what the future brings for the next few months!

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