Winter Convention Wind Down

With the year finishing, so too are the conventions wrapping up. While I had a fine time visiting new places in the state to show my work, I feel like I need to take some time away from all this traveling to rebuild a new game plan for my work.

Lodge Con 2024

After a few misses and reschedules, I made it Lodge Con for the first time and it was solid! The crowd was hot for the first few hours and cooled down as folks finished browsing the Vendor Hall and settle into their Tabletop sessions.

For the two days of the show, I sell my Pastry Cat Playmats and other Halloween Stickers at my table, as usual. With other shows, I spent plenty of time chatting with other creators at the show like Sam Conklin and hung about doodling at my table.

With a Blank Sketch Variant Covers of a Wonder Woman comic, I was stuck wondering what to even to draw on the thing. Blank pages are still a daunting mountain even for a semi-pro such as myself.

I’ve never drawn nor had interest in Wonder Woman in my life, so I made it fun for myself and went furry about it. This is the type of thing DC would do in the Silver Age to trick people into buying an issue.

Long after the show ended, I played a game called Blood on the Clock Tower, where me and the group running it are townspeople were deducing who the demon and the minion are before getting killed.

I’m not much with tabletop games, let alone social deduction games, so most of my time deceiving others is me not even knowing what I’m doing. If you’ve played games like Werewolf, Mafia, Secret Hitler, or Among Us, you’ll be familiar with this type of game. Give it a try if when you have the money and time.

Windycon 50

For the first ever time in my life, I moderated some panels at WindyCon, where I picked some creators brains about the trials and tribulations of being a self-published creator.

I’ll say I did adequate at the panel spoke at some panels. My knowledge on subjects was enough to keep the conversation for the hour. I did have some had panels like my, “How To Make Comics” panel where I was the only speaker and under prepared for the entire showing.There’s also a different panel where no one, not even my second speaker arrived to speak! I shouldn’t take it personal but it was a blow to my day.

I’d love to moderate another panel again but if I want to continue this, I need to prepared better for them. For moments, I was bumbling for something to say, I worry about saying something misinformed or incorrect. Relistenig to my edited videos, I’m learning that how unprepared I really was when listening to my voice and the questions I asked. Can I program a shock collar to zap me for ever time I say “Y’Know?”

SableCon 4

I return all the way to Milwaukee for Sablecon at a new venue at the Milwaukee School of Engineering Kern Center. The show had a better turnout than last year with more activities for the visitors like panels and some short stand up sets.

While there I inked designs for Cat Knights vs Cat Pirates, both will give Cole trouble for different reasons.

Small handwriting notes have the tentative names of “Royal Cat Knights of Felaria” and “Captain Krueger.” They deal is basically an Royal Assassin verse Outlaw Pirate sort of thing for some Blackmask world building. I’ll elaborate of some kind of story that might be compelling.

Traditional pen and ink drawings of two anthropomorphic cat characters. The top section has fron views of the Cat Knight and Cat Pirate. The bottom section has back views of the Cat Knight and Cat Pirate. Small handwriting notes have the tentative names of "Royal Cat Knights of Felaria" and "Captain Krueger."

Another batch of designs I sketched at PocketCon of Pig Naval Officers vs Pig Pirates.

The Pig Navy of the Clover Union battle against the captain of the largest Pig Pirates fleet, Captain Pigskin Jim, a bloodthirsty hog who skins his victims alive and grafts pieces of their skin to stitch on his own.

Traditional pen and ink drawings of an front and back view drawing of anthropomorphic pig character. This pigs rended with scars and stitches due to his sadistic cruel nature. He wears a large black coat,carries a bandoleer of knives and powder bombs, and wields a large cleaver. Written notes read: "Captain Pigskin Jim"

The show finished off at a quiet note and I stopped by a great ramen shop afterward to celebrate an art job well done! If you’re looking for a great beefy boy bowl of ramen, plenty of pork dumpling,s and some fine warm sake, I’ll recommend Easy Tyger on 1230 E Brady St!

Outside window sign of the Easy Tyger Ramen Restaurant in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

With my newfound confidence in hosting panels and speaking interviews, I’d love to throw my own at in the ring and suggest a few panels myself! Matt will hold me on that suggestion, so follow for next years turn of events!

Pocket Con 2024

For my second time attending PocketCon, I was at a beautiful new venue at the top of the Harold Washington Library in Chicago.

For a special occasion, I even did a short drawing demonstration stream doing request art for passerbys at the show. Streaming weekly has made me better at drawing an talking at the same time, but I still feel iffy about the presentation. It’s useless to dwell on it, so I press on.

Selling was not as much as I hoped but it was still good to catch up with old artist friends and make portfolio reviews for other would be artists.

I’ve been coasting on my same inventory for the past four years, so I decided that I’m taking a break from conventions for the year to improve my inventory and save up some cash. If you want to help out, you can shop at my webstore and